As my friends on Facebook know, I have a huge problem with my middle one. He is well, how do I put this, a bit of a ummmm class Casanova.
At the tender age of 4, my darling son has 2 girls who take turns rubbing his back during nap, 1 girl who carries his backpack as consolation for his refusal to hold her hand and has informed me recently that he needs to keep mint gum with him so he "has minty breath when he kisses the girls"
I have investigated this troubling situation with his teachers. First of all there is no kissing going on and now that she knows, they are on the look out (sorry N, if you were older I would not have blocked you)
There are girls rubbing his back, there is no stopping this. The backpack carrier wants to be able to hold onto the back strap of his backpack on the way to the bus (we are starting carpool next week!) I at this point will issue my blanket apology to mother's, father's and their daughters:
Dear (fill in your daughter's name)
I am so sorry that N (dumped you, did not ask you to prom, did not call the next day, asked your sister out or any other wrong he has done). His father and I have tried to teach him to be a sweet boy who is kind to everyone. This has apparently backfired as he seems to have taken it to an extreme with young ladies. I know he means well, there is just not enough of him to go around (his words, not mine). Please do not hold this against us. I know someday you will meet a wonderful boy that will take good care of you. Before you ask, yes, I do have another son and no you can't go out with him.
Best of Luck!
N's mom
That is hilarious. I can relate a little bit. My son is loved by the girls too. He asked me to gel his hair one morning to he said, "I have to look good for my girls!" What's up with that? Good luck!
That's YOUR boy :)
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