Thursday, February 18, 2010

My First Award!!

Yesterday in the midst of a moment when I thought for sure I was going to sell my kids on Ebay I received a gift from a fellow blogger (and pretty crazy mama too) Cybil  over at A Big Pot of Crazy. So now it is my turn to pass this onto some bloggers who always make me laugh so hard I sometimes....well, if you have had more then 3 kids you know what happens sometimes when you laugh to hard

So here is the line up.....I present the Sunshine Award to the following bloggers with great thanks for making me want to drink a little less in the afternoon's

Chief  Thanks to What I Meant to Say Wednesday's I have learned I am as bitchy as I think I am

Danifred  Who I have actually known for a really long time pre hubbies and pre babies and is one cool chick!

Shell Who say's what the rest of us want to!

Rants From Mommyland  who I have just recently discovered and are so damm funny I want them to be my friends so I am bribing them with an award

Business2blogger which has given me hope that I can quit my job and live off of blogging (not really but they are really awesome over there and if you haven't joined your a loser)  PS you don't have to pass the award on, I just think you guy's are awesome and wanted to tell you in a song but this was all I had

Supah  Post it Note Tuesday...really do I need to say more

Rebecca  Her twins are so cute and they live with her not me so that brings me sunshine!

Jax-isms is writing everyday for a year, this will help fill in one of her day's. Besides she is really funny and say's what's on her mind

Stepping on Cheerios  always has beautiful pictures to share

Fightingthefatty   is one one hell of a journey, we should all have the determination she does

Caramama has a really cutie little girl who is quite well, how do I say this nicely...well go have a look for yourself

and the final award goes to.....Cybil  because what goes around should come around (except that yucky thing that went around my sorority house in college)

The rules for accepting the Sunshine Award are as follows…
1. Put the logo in my post or within my blog.
2. Pass the award onto 12 fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within my post.
4. Let the nominees know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blogs.
5. Share the love and link to the person who gave you the award!

Stayed tuned, this was not my regularly scheduled broadcast for today, I have more dryer drama that involves a blower and garden hose (please do not let your children read my blog!)  


Elena Sonnino said...

you my friend, are a source of inspiration!

For the Love of Naps - Sarah said...

It amazes me how one blog leads to another but yet I run into so many people loving the same blogs. Makes it seem like such a small world! You made good picks!

Elena Sonnino said...

Sunshine right back at ya....

Danifred said...

Woot woot! I feel so loved.
Hugs to you

Tricia said...

Aww I somehow missed this before! Thank you for giving me an award. You are so sweet!! Made me smile