Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sandbox Rules

Don't you think being a mommy would be easier if we all had to play by the same rules our kids had to play by in the sand box. I know this is a topic I have touched on before but I feel compelled say something again,. Here are the basic rules I think we should all play by


If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything (to anyone)

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Play nice with your fellow mommy

I am always baffled at how grown women can revert back to their ugliest most insecure High School girlness.

I have a really hard time not calling people out on this type of behavior. I have made many a momenemy because I don't follow some of my own sand box rules, mainly the if you don't have anything nice to say one. I can't not say anything. I have a really hard time not calling people out on their bull shit . I have been trying to curb this behavior. I know that I have a very strong personality and you either like me or you don't. I do try to be more likable but find it hard not to speak my mind.
Guess I could take my own advice and try and play nicer in the sand box of mommyhood.


Rebecca said...

I'm with you personality wise...I find it very hard to keep my opinions to myself. That being said, I am not in the realm yet where I play in the sandbox with many other Moms (kids aren't in school yet)...maybe I'll just stay in my own little sandbox forever and ever...

Danifred said...

I have no tolerance for "those" mommies. None.
And, typically, their kids suck too.

BNM said...

aint that the truth!!!! I have a hard time holding my tongue too lol

Shell said...

Oh, how I struggle with this!

Stepping On Cheerios said...

Danifred took the words right out of my mouth.

Elena Sonnino said...

I have the hardest time--especially sitting through my daughter's ballet class--- why is it always a competition with some moms? And wow---they can be vicious about other people's children. yikes.

Anonymous said...

Would you send some of your strong personality my way? :) I am in total agreement with you on this but I have a hard time standing up to someone. I don't do well with confrontation. I went through a horrible experience a few years ago with some so-called "friends." I could not believe, and still can't, how low these women would go. The back stabbing, gossiping, assuming. Ridiculous! Women are the absolute worst when it comes to this subject. Thee Worst!